Slamdance DTLA Summer Showcase at AGBO: Unveiling the Future of Film and Gaming


This July 20th and 21st, the vibrant AGBO campus in the heart of Los Angeles hosts the eagerly anticipated Slamdance DTLA Summer Showcase. As Slamdance HQ transitions to Los Angeles after nearly three decades in Park City, the event heralds a new era of innovation in screenwriting, indie films, and game development. Taylor Miller, Festival Director, shares her excitement: "This year’s event is more than just a showcase; it’s a glimpse into the vibrant, transformative energy we plan to bring to the city in February. It serves as a beacon, guiding our creative journey forward."

Day One: Immersive Storytelling at Slam Script Shop & SHORTWAVE 

The festivities commence at the Slam Script Shop, a sanctuary for both emerging and seasoned screenwriters to hone their skills. As the day transitions into evening, the spotlight shifts to SHORTWAVE, which presents an outstanding array of short films from the '24 Fest, celebrating the bold voices of tomorrow.

Day Two: The Next E-Poch, Vertical Horizon Focusing on Immersive Gaming and New Media

On the second day, attention pivots to the pioneering sphere of digital interactive gaming with DIG: The Next Epoch. This segment offers an up-close look at cutting-edge gaming initiatives, from revolutionary RPGs to trailblazing indie games, showcasing the forefront of gaming innovation.

The Slamdance Summer Showcase transcends typical industry events, cultivating a fertile ground for the storytellers of tomorrow in both film and gaming. Taylor Miller reassures creatives that Slamdance is here for emerging artists no matter the changes to the industry, “As the entertainment landscape remains ever-changing and unpredictable, our commitment to adaptability shines through. In the words of a well-known saying, ‘Be the sky, not the weather.’”