Sierra Four


Sierra Four is most identifiable by the scar across his chin. During his fight with Six on the fireworks barge, Sierra Four reveals that he is also a Sierra agent. He further reveals that he was recruited by Donald Fitzroy and trained in a Tel Aviv black site, just like Six had been. Amidst his last breaths, he hands Six the stolen hard drive, telling him that Denny Carmichael can’t be trusted and must be taken down before he takes down Six.

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You know I know who you are, you’re Sierra Six. They didn’t tell you who I am, did they? I’m Sierra Four. They sent you out to kill one of your own. But that’s probably not going to make you walk away, is it? 
I got all the answers because I’m telling the truth. They’re not. Denny Carmichael is a piece of shit. That’s why I’m sitting here in my own blood. You’re probably next. 

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