Margaret Cahill
Margaret Cahill was the CIA’s UK Station Chief before she was forced into retirement by the machiavellian Denny Carmichael. We don’t know much about Cahill’s rise through the CIA ranks, but based on her balanced disposition, it’s no wonder that she was capable of achieving a leadership position.
She’s a close ally of Donald Fitzroy’s. And through Donald, she established a relationship with Six. During the sideways Bangkok mission, Six doesn’t hesitate to send Cahill the encrypted drive for safekeeping. Six eventually reaches Cahill in Prague, and it’s the ever-resourceful Cahill who swiftly decrypts the drive only to discover that Carmichael is behind illegal covert missions around the world. But that’s not all, Cahill presumes that someone above Carmichael is actually pulling the strings. Before they can discuss Cahill’s suspicions any further, Cahill’s apartment comes under attack by Hansen’s mercs. With a cigarette in mouth, Cahill, suffering from terminal cancer, bravely sacrifices her life in order to provide Six and Miranda enough time to escape through a trapdoor in her kitchen floor.
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