Sandro Radiani
Sandro is Davit and Ketevan’s oldest child. Along with Ketevan and his sister Nina, Sandro is forced to live with his father in Tkachiri Prison.
As a teenager, he’s predictably unpredictable in terms of his behavior, but even more so considering his extreme upbringing and familial circumstances. As the son of a Nagazi crime lord, he suffers from a deep, ongoing identity crisis: To be a Nagazi or not to be a Nagazi. During their extraction from the prison, Sandro is constantly calling out for his father or asking where his father is. Sandro’s anger and mistrust culminates with a fateful decision to call his Uncle Zurab while their plane is en route to Austria. Against the interests of his mother and sister, he reveals the address of their final destination. Later, during the Nagazi attack on the skyscraper in Vienna, Sandro breaks free from his family and reunites with his uncle, the closest person he has left to a father figure. That decision makes it crystal clear where his loyalty lies. Arguably, it’s not until his uncle straps an explosive vest to Sandro and commands him to execute Tyler does Sandro decide whose side he’s actually on. But just as Zurab is about to shoot an unarmed Nik, Sandro knocks Zurab’s arm away, giving Tyler a critical opening to tackle Zurab. With Zurab’s death, Sandro is finally afforded his freedom from the tyrannical grip of the Nagazi, and has the chance to rebuild his relationship with his mother and sister.
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