Mason Kane/Kyle Conroy
Kyle Conroy In the immediate aftermath of the fall of Citadel, Mason Kane is Backstopped by Bernard Orlick. Mason thus ceases to exist, and instead, makes way for Kyle Conroy to take over both body and mind. Whereas Mason was brash, individualistic, and self-absorbed, Kyle is very much the self-sacrificing, all-loving family man. Shortly after returning to the States, Kyle connects with Abby, a fellow amnesiac, through a memory treatment program. They settle down in a rural home in Oregon where they raise their daughter Hendrix. Kyle is completely in the dark about his past as the world’s top superspy, but despite his wiped memory, he’s increasingly plagued by a lingering image of the woman we know as Nadia. It’s that mysterious image of Nadia and the desire to discover the truth of his past that ultimately motivates Kyle to join Bernard Orlick on an otherwise life-threatening journey into the belly of the Manticore beast. Ultimately the question that arises for Kyle is, even if he does defeat Manticore, will he ever be able to regain who he once was?
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